Are you a who-ore?
There's this test. Over here. It's a test to see how you compare to other women or men in your area. How so? Well, check it out and let me know your results.
And I'm taking the test... now...
HOLY HELL! I'm a slut.
5 more than average for my hometown.
I'm re-taking it again to see how I compare to my current town.
Yeah, I'm still a slut.
That test is RIGGED I tell ya!
(I hope)
Well, that's all I'll have for you until I return from the ski trip! I bet everyone will enjoy the silence. :)
And I'm taking the test... now...
HOLY HELL! I'm a slut.
5 more than average for my hometown.
I'm re-taking it again to see how I compare to my current town.
Yeah, I'm still a slut.
That test is RIGGED I tell ya!
(I hope)
Well, that's all I'll have for you until I return from the ski trip! I bet everyone will enjoy the silence. :)
But, I'm sure it's rigged... :)