I Am Alive... I Think...

I'm the most horrible blogger on the planet! I'm sorry I've been MIA for so long and the few and far between posts you have been given have been mobile bloggery posts and thoughtless, mindless, ramblings. Oh, wait, my whole blog is like that... LOL!

There's a lot going on lately and with Hard Drive A completely full and unable to process the simplest task, my computer was on hiatus for a while. When Hard Drive B was installed and angels sang, I was too worn out to do much blogging.

But I'm back, from outer space, I just walked in...

Sorry, got carried away...

Anywho, where was I? Oh, yeah, I'm back. Back in BLACK. WHOOOOOOO....

Where is my mind today? LOL

Well, I'm back. And I promise there are new posts coming. My goal is to post once a week and improve on that as time allows.

Thanks for hanging with me! I've got pictures and stories galore coming your way.

Lots of Love,


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