Featured Blogger Of The Week: GreenGlassHero

My blogger of the week this week is also an original May 2011 Knottie. We hit it off right away and have a lot in common. We were married the same month, are both typical Midwestern girls, not to mention we're both having babies at just about the same time. :)

You can find Rachael here, here and here. Yes, the girl finds time to write, publish and update 3 blogs.

Let's start with The Unbride Diary. This one was from wedding planning. When she'd go MIA from the boards, I'd always blogstalk to see how planning was going.


Green Glass Window & Rachael Getting Better are day-to-day blogs about life, love, babies and health.
http://greenglasswindow.blogspot.com/ & http://rachaelgettingbetter.blogspot.com/

I always enjoy Rach's spin on life. And it's fun to read about someone else going through pregnancy at the same time as I am. She's only a smidge bit ahead of me, so it's great to see what is in store!

Tell her Missie sent you!


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